lundi 18 février 2013


Recalling that we are whole beings with soul, body and spirit that are interrelated, I found
the following errors to be avoided by the servants of God during the supporting in the
Ministry of restoration. I also mention some important recommendations.
v Try to blame all adverse manifestation only to spiritual causes.
v Make a public spectacle of the ministering.
v Underestimate the form of worship and teachings of other denominations rather than join
a same purpose.
v Use guilt and fear to God to gain economic benefits and service benefits to the
congregation or Ministry
v Emphasize a call to work for God before the person has a biblical training and heal of his
damaged emotions.
v Avoid pulling, hitting or touching forcefully the diseased body parts to reprimand
demons, with the negative consequence to the illness and the patient.
v Ask the patient to immediately stop taking the medicine
v Rebuke and expect that a spirit of depression will be immediately chased out with a
single prayer of liberation and no follow-up.
v Make feel responsible of lack of healing or God's response to the person telling him that
is his sin or apathy what obstructs God´s work.
v Force the person to have the same vision of the Church.
v Prevent the person to express anger if he really feels it and tell him that Christians should
not feel anger rather than show him the appropriate way to manage it.
v To force the person to forgive by guilt and fear, not love, adducing that God will not
forgive him, without considering that it is necessary, first of all, to work out pain and
destructive emotions.
v Make the person believe that forgiveness is a feeling, not a decision.
v Reject the new means of preaching the Word as music, Internet and other media, by the
resistance to leave the traditional means.
v Make the call to salvation based on the fear of hell and not in forgiveness and mercy of
God, no matter the sin
v Emphasize on the negative and the work of Satan that induces to always look at the bad
things of life and to remain in permanent state of fear.
v Do prayers that lead to grotesque images of illness and destructive work of Satan.
v Misinterpretation of physical diseases as epilepsy and demonic manifestations
v Create psychological dependence with the counselor and not with God
v Force the person to release an insecurity, fear or guilt as a magic act. Force to confront
his own weaknesses and fears without giving him time to work out the pain and embrace
the Word of God.
v Convince the person that will be restored in a second just by God´s intervention
forgetting to point out the need that must fight, persevere and overtake.
v Make the person feel bad for crying, complaining and expressing his of anger, ignoring
that the person is an emotional being and needs to release anger and pain.
v Force the person to express himself always in victory when he is not because this
prevents him from being honest with himself and with God.
v Give to know the tricks of the Devil by inducing fear and need to be Warrior 24 hours a
day, without teaching to stand in the power and sovereignty of God.
v Try to express flair of power of liberation and demonstrate the absence of love for the
helpless and sick at the same time.
v That psychologist ignores the importance of spiritual conflict, inappropriate image of
God and perception undue to the working of Satan.
v Christian leaders ignore conflicts and psychological roots of the human being from
v Make negative sentences e.g. reprimanding spirit of cancer that destroys the body so
tense person and causes fear.
v Believe that each person can restore at the same speed, but to understand that each one
needs the time that the Holy Spirit gives him.
v Discontinue a ministering of liberation or inner healing with the move of the Holy Spirit,
because of the Church´s schedule.
v Not let talk about their conflicts to the person who needs to be heard.
v Scold the sick person for his cries in his emotional area and because he doesn´t declare
himself in victory.
v Compel the person to embrace his enemy while is not prepared for that since this is an
internal decision in the specific time according to each case.
v Compel the person to leave his sin as adultery, prostitution or drugs immediately without
recognizing that he needs time, support and financial assistance.
v Despise the need of an alcoholic or drug addict because causes confusion within the
Church rather than ministering him and show him God´s love and acceptance in a modest
way without causing confusion within the Congregation.
v Respect the denomination and religious belief and use the ministering to teach the true
Word of God.
v The minister is first prepared in this Ministry through Discipleship in the spiritual and
emotional area of the human being.
v Take the person in crisis into a discreet place to listen, ministering him and pray for his
v If the person is in crisis, avoid making prayers that emphasize the destructive work of
Satan and instead emphasize the power and control of God over all things, so that the
person can rely on Him and is not going to feel that is warrior in a moment of weakness.
v Demonstrate unconditional love to the person in crisis despite his appearance or
emotional state.
v Give him security that he will be OK and that you will be praying for him or her.
v Refer him to the counseling Ministry of the Church, for the group of people in crisis or
v Avoid children in counseling or lectures.
v Let the person to cry and express his feelings even if they have grotesque expressions.
v Point out that forgiveness is a decision and that this should be done in prayer

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